The clever use of three spot colors adds an extra layer of visual appeal, making the blue and red hues truly stand out against the bright and smooth-white finish. These colors perfectly reflect the distinctive Rael Realty signature palette, keeping their branding consistent and effective.

By deviating from the standard rectangle, these cards instantly capture attention and pique curiosity. It’s a bold move that showcases your willingness to think outside the box and embrace uniqueness.

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Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

Price Estimator

Incl. Tax
Printing Cost : $1,020.00
Subtotal : $1,020.00
Tax : $170.00
Printing Cost(Including Tax) : $1,020.00
Cost Per Unit :$20.40
Cost Per Unit :$20.40
Estimated Total : $1,020.00